
Professor Ian Loftus

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

QualificationsBSc, MBChB, MD, FRCS

Main NHS base:

  • St Georges NHS Foundation Trust

Clinical interests:

Minimally invasive approaches to all vascular disease and varicose veins, including:

  • Endovenous treatments
  • Radiofrequency
  • Laser
  • Clarivein and sclerotherapy


  • Popliteal entrapment
  • Thoracic outlet syndromes

Member of:


British Society of Endovascular Therapy (Past-President)

Vascular Society of Great Britain (Past-President)

Fees, Training & Background:

I trained at Leicester where I followed an academic surgical career, gaining extensive; minimally invasive; endovascular experience. I established an outpatient based vein practice at St Georges Hospital where I have been a Consultant since 2005. I was appointed as Professor of Vascular Surgery, St Georges University of London, in 2014.

Personal website address: