
Accessibility guide

Level access Yes No Comments
The main entrance has level access.   X We have a ramp in place or a lift
There is level access from the main entrance to:      
Main Reception X    
Accessible Toilet X    
Consulting Rooms X    
Imaging X    
Physiotherapy X    
Wards X    


 Visual Yes No Comments
The walls and the doors have high colour contrast.  X We have bumper strips in place on walls and doors, however not colour contrasted. We provide chaperones to all patients, when required to escort throughout the building.
Glass doors and full-height windows have contrast markings. X    
We have information available in large print on request. X    


 Hearing Yes No Comments
The fire alarm has flashing lights. X    
We have a hearing loop in the reception area and/or main patient waiting area X    
Some staff have disability awareness training. X    

 General Yes No Comments
There are wheelchairs available to support people with mobility issues. X    
There is an accessible public toilet available X    
We have emergency evacuation procedures for disabled visitors. X    
Some staff have disability awareness training. X    
We have dedicated spaces available in the car park for Blue Badge Holders. X    
Quieter times
We can make appointments available at quieter times for people who are anxious in crowds