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Translation service

If you are coming into hospital and your first language is not English, you may need a translator to help you speak to doctors and nurses. Please let us know as soon as possible if you require this service so that it can be arranged for your appointment.

Patients who are undergoing a surgical procedure or a diagnostic procedure will need an independent interpreter and not a family member. We can organise this on your behalf but we will need to know beforehand, please contact our International Patient Centre on 020 8971 8013. There is no charge for this service.

Written information can also be provided in other languages, as well as larger print and Braille.

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Virtual consultations now available

Speak to a Consultant in as little as 24 hours

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For outpatient appointments and enquiries call

'+appointments_phone+' or BOOK ONLINE

For self-pay surgery
prices call

'+selfpay_tel+' or GET A QUOTATION

'); jQuery('#cta-area').html('

For outpatient appointments and enquiries call

'+appointments_phone+'orBOOK ONLINE

For self-pay surgery prices call

'+selfpay_tel+'orGET A QUOTATION

'); jQuery('.single-consultant .container .content #sidebar').append('

For outpatient appointments and enquiries call

'+appointments_phone+' or BOOK ONLINE

For self-pay surgery
prices call

'+selfpay_tel+' or GET A QUOTATION

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For outpatient appointments and enquiries call

'+appointments_phone+' or BOOK ONLINE

For self-pay surgery
prices call

'+selfpay_tel+' or GET A QUOTATION

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