
Concerns & complaints

Listening… Acting… Improving

At Parkside Private Hospital, we are committed to providing the very best possible patient experience. Your feedback is a really important way of helping us to achieve this.

Although the staff who look after you will do all they can to make sure that you are treated sensitively and promptly, it is acknowledged that things may occasionally go wrong.

However, take the view that when there has been cause for complaint, it is important to acknowledge this, to put things right quickly wherever possible and to ensure we learn and improve from the feedback received. We will therefore investigate your concerns with those who are directly concerned with the provision of your care, and respond as quickly as possible.

This information tells you what to do if, for any reason, you wish to make a complaint about your care or treatment.

In the first instance, if you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, however small, please speak to any member of staff and we will endeavour to put things right straightaway.

If this cannot be done, or you remain dissatisfied, either the Director of Nursing or the Hospital Director will be happy to speak or meet with you to resolve your concerns.  Any member of staff can make contact with them or, in their absence, an alternative member of the Senior Management Team.

If you wish to express your concern or complaint in writing, please contact:

The Hospital Director
Parkside Private Hospital
53 Parkside
SW19 5NX

Please note that complaints should normally be made as soon as possible and within six months of the date of the event complained about. The time limit may sometimes be extended (so long as it is still possible to investigate the complaint). An extension may be possible, such as in situations where it would have been difficult for you to have complained sooner.

Your letter will be acknowledged in writing within two to three working days of receipt and an investigation will begin into your complaint. If you submit a complaint via email we will treat your complaint in the same way as we would a written complaint.

All complaints are taken seriously and are handled openly and honestly in a bid to be fair to all concerned and to conclude matters to the satisfaction of all parties as soon as possible.

You will receive our written response within 20 working days.  If our investigations should take longer, we will keep you informed.  We always try to learn from a complaint and, if appropriate, will adjust our working practices to avoid similar complaints arising.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you may take this up with the Hospital Director/Clinic Manager, who will either try further to explain our response or, in some circumstances, and with your agreement, will arrange an appointment for you to meet with those involved in your care in an attempt to reach a satisfactory conclusion.

It is always our intention to resolve matters amicably but, if you are still not satisfied, then you may write to the Chief Executive of Aspen Healthcare, the company that owns Parkside Private Hospital. Should you wish to escalate your complaint in this way, you must do so in writing, within six months of the final response to your complaint from Parkside Private Hospital:

The Chief Executive

Aspen Healthcare Limited

Centurion House (3rd Floor)

37 Jewry Street



If you remain dissatisfied having exhausted the company’s local complaints procedure you may request an independent external review. The procedure is for you to write to the ISCAS Secretariat to request a stage three investigation at:

Independent Healthcare Sector Complaints Adjudication Service

70 Fleet Street

T: 020 7536 6091

This must be done within six months of receipt of the letter from the Chief Executive and you will receive acknowledgement within three working days. The ISCAS Code of Practice can be accessed via this link.

The External Adjudication Secretariat will then communicate with you to outline the procedure that they will follow in the investigation of your complaint.

Healthcare paid for by the NHS

If the NHS has funded your care at Parkside Hospital, the NHS is responsible for the quality of the care provided. So, if you are not happy about the care and treatment you have received, you may make a complaint to either The (enter clinic/hospital name) as outlined above, or the NHS Commissioning Board, or local Clinical Commissioning Group (whichever body commissioned your care). We will work together to resolve your complaint. The Hospital/Clinic can provide the relevant address on request.

Once you have exhausted the Hospital/Clinic(s) local process and you continue to remain dissatisfied with how your concern/complaint has been handled, you are entitled to raise your concerns with the Health Service Ombudsman who can be contacted in the following ways:


Telephoning the complaints helpline on 03450154033 (Monday to Friday 8-30am to 5-30pm)


Faxing 03000614000

Writing to:

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP

The Hospital is also regulated by the Care Quality Commission, which monitors the Hospital’s compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.  The Commission can be contacted via their website at or in writing at:

Care Quality Commission National Customer Service Centre



Newcastle Upon Tyne


Finally, should you have any questions or comments in relation to how your concern / complaint is dealt with, then please do not hesitate to contact the Hospital Director on 020 8971 8016.