
Professor Marios Papadopoulos

Consultant Neurosurgeon

QualificationsMA MD FRCS(SN)

Main NHS base:

  • St. George's Hospital

Clinical interests:

Professor Papadopoulos treats a wide range of general neurosurgical problems and has subspecialist interests in spinal and vascular neurosurgery.

Some of the common spinal problems he treats include sciatica, slipped disc, back pain, spinal stenosis as well as neck and arm pain. Professor Papadopoulos work with physiotherapists and pain specialists to make a management plan and, in general, he tries to avoid surgery as much as possible.

Some of the complex spinal problems he treats include tumours of the spinal cord, tumours of the bony spine, blood vessel abnormalities of the spine and spinal fractures.  He works closely with neuroradiologists and neuro-oncologists when treating these more complex conditions.

Some of the brain blood vessel problems Professor Papadopoulos treats include brain aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, cavernous haemangiomas (cavernomas) and dural fistulas.  He works closely with neuroradiologists to treat some of these conditions.

Professor Papadopoulos also treats a variety of peripheral nerve problems such as median nerve (carpal tunnel) and ulnar nerve compression.

Member of:

Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS)

Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS)

EuroSpine International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS)

American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)


  • Wimbledon NeuroCare

Fees, Training & Background:

Professor Papadopoulos has been a consultant neurosurgeon at St. George’s Hospital since 2006 and Professor of Neurosurgery at St. George’s, University of London since 2013.

He graduated from the medical schools of the Universities of Cambridge (BA 1990, MD 1997) and Oxford (BM BCh 1993) and completed my Neurosurgery Training in London and San Francisco (FRCS 1998, FRCS(SN) 2002, CCST 2005). Professor Papadopoulos’s research is in spinal cord injury; he developed novel treatments for acute and chronic spinal cord injuries such as neuromonitoring from the injury site in the intensive care unit as well as spinal cord blood flow monitoring in the operating theatre to minimise the risks of surgery. He has also developed a new operation for spinal cord injury termed expansion duroplasty. Professor Papadopoulos is the lead investigator of the ISCoPE trial for spinal cord injury. He has supervised the training of several neurosurgeons from the UK and overseas who are now consultants and has been an invited speaker in national and international meetings.

Personal website address: