
Mr Sudip Ray

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

QualificationsMA MS FRCS

Main NHS base:

  • Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Clinical interests:

Keyhole and daycase treatments for varicose veins and venous disease. UK and International Trainer for Venaseal and Closurefast procedures at Parkside Hospital and Kingston Hospital. Assessment and treatment of lower limb arterial diseases and swelling.

Member of:

  • The Venous Forum
  • The Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland
  • The European Society for Vascular Surgery

Fees, Training & Background:

Mr Ray was appointed as Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Kingston and St George’s Hospitals in 2000. He previously qualified from Magdalen College, Oxford University and completed his surgical training at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. He has also worked as a Travelling Fellow in the prestigious vascular centres of UCLA, California and Albany Medical Centre, New York. Mr Ray continues to work in the NHS and was revalidated by the General Medical Council in 2013.

Personal website address: