
Dr Benjamin Adeyemi

Consultant Scientist

QualificationsMBBS MSc MD

Main NHS base:

  • Redbridge NHS Community Cardiology

Clinical interests:

  • Patients referred for Echocardiography only
  • Echocardiogram follow up and treatment of all patients with valvular heart disease
  • Echocardiogram follow up and treatment of cancer patients on Adjuvant Herceptin or undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Echocardiogram bubble contrast studies for young Stroke and TIA patients with no clinical risk factors, and on trans-pulmonary contrast studies for opacification of the Left Ventricle to exclude mural thrombus in post MI patients.
  • Echocardiography performance interpretation
  • Reporting of LV dysynchrony and determining suitability for response to CRT
  • Physiological stress Echo.

Member of:

  • British Society of Echocardiography (Former Member of Accreditation Examination Committee)
  • British Society of Echocardiography (Accredited Member)
  • Honorary London Fellow (Royal Society of Medicine)
  • Member of European Society of Cardiology

Fees, Training & Background:

Dr Ben Adeyemi studied Medicine in Nigeria and qualified MBBS in 1983. He did a three year residency programme in Nigeria and in 1992 was appointed for MD residency training programme in internal Medicine at Mehary Medical College Nashville, Tennesse, United States.

He also holds a post-graduate masters degree in “ Medical Ultrasound” applied to Clinical Echocardiography “. His Echocardiography training started in 1988 at the National Heart and Brompton Hospital London.

Ben is actively involved in Echocardiography training, he is a very experienced and well known and respected lecturer in Ultrasound physics, Ultrasound Technology and Clinical Echocardiography.

Head of the Echocardiogram laboratory at the North Middlesex University Hospital from 1995 until 2010. He is actively involved in performing advanced Echocardiogram studies such as Trans-pulmonary and bubble contrast studies, and full assessment of LV synchrony.

He was an active member of the British Society of Echocardiography examination accreditation committee, and as an examiner he has published several learning modules for the society, and made a major contribution to improving the standard of Echocardiography practice in the UK. He has research published in the European Heart Journal and has been awarded honorary London Fellowship of the Royal Society of Medicine. Was appointed Echo lead at North Middlesex University Hospital in 2000 and Honorary post for Echocardiography at the Royal Marsden Hospital Chelsea in 2007.


Dr Adeyemi offers a 24-hour emergency on-call echo service