Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in children (OSA)
Enlarged adenoids and tonsils are a major cause for disturbed sleep in children. Lack of sleep can impact growth and development of a child.
Children with large adenoids and tonsils are regular mouth breathers during sleep and sometimes even when they are awake. You can hear them snoring at night and suddenly the snoring stops for a few seconds (this happens when they stop breathing) and then they suddenly start snoring again with a snorting type of noise. This can happen many times in an hour. As a result they have a disturbed sleep at night. You might find them breathing hard with recession of neck and chest muscles. They also sweat at night. They move a lot during sleep in their effort to find a comfortable position to breath. It is difficult to wake them up in the morning. Because of lack of sleep they are tired during day time (some children are hyper active). They lack ability to concentrate at school and perform badly in studies.
Once they are diagnosed with enlarged adenoids +/- tonsils, treatment consists of surgery in the form of adenotonsillectomy. Most often a camera test through the nose is required to diagnose enlarged adenoids. Tonsil examination is possible through the mouth.
Coblation tonsillotomy is a form of tonsil reduction surgery which produces minimal postoperative pain and bleeding. Children resume their normal diet almost the same day itself. It is indeed a life changing surgery for those children with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.

Date: 02/03/2017