Cancer Centre London are finalists for The LaingBuisson Healthcare Outcome Award

The Cancer Centre London Breast Radiotherapy Team have been selected as finalists in the 2016 Laing Buisson Awards for Healthcare Outcomes after demonstrating that their heart-sparing breast radiotherapy technique reduces radiation doses to heart and therefore risks of radiation-related heart disease in the majority of patients
We are delighted to announce that the Radiotherapy Team at Cancer Centre London have been selected as finalists for The LaingBuisson 2016 Healthcare Outcome Awards. The LaingBuisson Awards recognise and celebrate industry excellence and innovative services in the public, private and third sectors.
Within the private healthcare sector CCL was the first independent provider to establish and clinically implement a fully automated left breast heart-sparing treatment technique. We are thrilled that LaingBuisson have recognised the results of this treatment technique and have shortlisted us for this award. It is a testament to how CCL offers first class heart-sparing radiotherapy that effectively achieves treatment outcomes that will impact positively on our patient’s long-term side-effects and hence patient overall survival.
Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Tuesday 29 November 2016. For further information about the Laing Buisson Healthcare Awards and to see the full shortlist visit

Date: 13/10/2016