Professor Kevin Shotliff
Consultant Endocrinologist
QualificationsMB BS MD FRCP DCH
Languages spoken:English
Main NHS base:
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Clinical interests:
- Diabetes and endocrinology
- Diabetic microvascular complications (including retinopathy)
- Cystic fibrosis related diabetes
- Thyroid disease
Member of:
- General Medical Council Specialist Register for Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine
- Royal College of Physicians
Fees, Training & Background:
Dr Shotliff qualified from St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London in 1987. He studied for his MD at the Hammersmith Hospital prior to joining the South West Thames Diabetes and Endocrinology Senior Registrar Rotation.
In June 1998, Dr Shotliff was appointed Consultant Physician with an interest in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Kingston Hospital, moving to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in 2003.
Dr Shotliff holds Honorary Consultant Endocrinologist Contracts with the Royal Brompton Hospital, London, where he undertakes a Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes Clinic, and The Royal Marsden Hospital. He setup the Obesity Service for Central London Community Healthcare Trust and has been on the NHS on the NHS England Endocrinology Clinal Reference Group (2016-2019). Dr Shotcliff is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College, London and an Associate Professor with Plymouth University.