Professor John Eastwood
Consultant Renal Physician / Consultant Nephrologist
QualificationsMD(Lond) FRCP
Languages spoken:English
Main NHS base:
St George's University Hospital
Clinical interests:
High blood pressure including underlying causes, urinary tract infection [UTI] and its treatment as well as chronic kidney disease [CKD], eGFR and prevention of progression of fall of kidney function. Also interseted in renal metabolic problems, the diagnostic difficulties in a renal patient and renal disease in developing countries.
Member of:
International Society of Nephrology
European Society of Nephrology
Renal Association (UK)
Fellow, Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons
Fees, Training & Background:
Professor Eastwood has wide experience of renal medicine. He has combined a busy clinical career at St George’s, with an academic career involving teaching and research. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, his current research interests being kidney function [GFR] and high blood pressure in West Africa. He has a grant from the International Society of Nephrology to support the research, and also a training link with doctors and nurses in training in Ghana to assist development of the specialty of Renal Medicine.