Meet the consultant! Q&As with Mr Haider Jan

Mr Haider Jan, Consultant Gynaecologist
Q&A with Mr Haider Jan:
What made you want to become a Consultant Gynaecologist?
From the very beginning, when I was at school I was always interested in helping people and solving problems. I was inspired through work experience when I saw a surgeon able to fix a problem; it was both powerful and fascinating. I wanted to be able to help people both directly, via surgery, and indirectly, by the research that I do with the aims of furthering medicine especially in the field of gynaecology. By doing this I am really able to make a difference in people’s lives.
What’s the best thing about your job?
The best thing about the job is being able to offer cutting-edge minimally invasive solutions to women who have difficulties. It’s very interesting being able to change the way we offer treatment to women and really make a difference to their lives through the development of research.
Describe a typical day
I have breakfast with my kids and then head off to work. Usually I’m in theatres first thing and then after that I like to go see my patients to speak to them about their procedure and talk them through any issues or worries they may have. I usually have a clinic in the afternoon and then I’m back home to help the kids with their homework!
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy playing sports, including running and climbing. I also enjoy travelling and going out to restaurants.
What advice would you give someone who wanted to follow your footsteps?
To be the best at what you can do, to strive to find new ways and methods to ensure your patients are getting the latest treatments and to further medicine as much as possible
Date: 28/07/2016