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New Philips Ingenia 3.0T MRI scanner

We recently took delivery of a new Philips Ingenia 3.0T MRI system. The MRI scanner has extensive software packages including cardiac imaging capability, neuro perfusion, spectroscopy, and ‘Wholebody Specialist’ allowing the hospital to offer a complete clinical 3T service.
Hannalie de Beer, Head of Radiology says, “At Parkside we are committed to providing first-class independent healthcare for our patients. The new scanner is an addition to our existing two 1.5T MRI systems. As part of the outpatient department it will enable Parkside Hospital to offer advanced breast, oncology, gynaecological, prostate and MSK imaging. Future plans include MRI cardiac imaging as well.” Continuing, Hannalie explains, “The Ingenia 3.0T will provide a general purpose MRI system, including gynaecology, genitor-urinary, endocrine, gastro-intestinal, breast, neurology and MSK imaging.”
The MRI scanner comes with ‘dStream’ that delivers crystal clear images and remarkable speed and technology. Commenting on the new scanner, Hannalie says, “The new MRI delivers improved coil design, SAR reduction techniques, pulse sequences and protocol development. It gives us a lot of flexibility in performing scans according to patient choice and is more patient friendly.”


Pictured at the launch of the new MRI scanner:

launch of the new MRI scanner at Parkside Hospital

From left to right, Dr. Henry Weatherburn, Head of Physics; Janet Kendall, Senior Radiographer; Dr. Julian Lui, Physicist; Louise Barnett, Senior Radiographer; Hilda Bradbury, Hospital Director, Keisha Robinson, Radiotherapy Services Manager; Hannalie de Beer, Head of Radiology; Zorica Wiley, Head of Business Development; Paul Ringwald, Account Manager, Imaging Systems; Jane Robinson, Commercial Lead Southern Region, both of Philips Healthcare; Dr. Nigel Beharry, Consultant Radiologist; Mathew Mulyankal, 3T MRI Lead Radiographer; Dr. Andrew Hine and Dr. Christine Heron, both Consultant Radiologists, and Mr. Christopher Anderson, Consultant Urologist



Date: 06/07/2015
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