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Our Advent Food Bank Calendar

This winter we are supporting people facing hunger by joining the UK’s biggest food collection The Trussell Trust via the Wimbledon Food Bank. Every day people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy or bereavement to welfare problems or receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. The Trussell Trust’s network of over 420 foodbanks provides three days’ emergency food and support to people in crisis across the UK. It aims to bring communities together to end hunger and poverty in the UK by providing compassionate, practical help with dignity whilst challenging injustice.


Parkside Hospital & Cancer Centre London are joining them on this journey with an advent food bank challenge. We’re reviewing the ‘urgently needed items’ list for the Wimbledon Food Bank and each day until Christmas we will donate to the food bank with quantities in line with the date. Follow us on our journey below:

Day 1:                                                                                     Day 2:







Day 3:                                                                                     Day 4:







Day 5:                                                                                      Day 6:







Day 7:                                                                                     Day 8:







Day 9:                                                                                      Day 10:







Day 11:                                                                                    Day 12:







Day 13:                                                                                       Day 14:






Day 15:                                                                                         Day 16:







Day 17:                                                                                        Day 18:






Day 19:                                                                                        Day 20:





Day 21:                                                                                        Day 22:






Day 23:                                                                                   Day 24:







Day 25:







To find out more about The Trussell Trust and the work they do visit: alternatively to find your local food bank and donate this winter see:


Date: 28/11/2016
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