Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

We recognise that coming into hospital for an operation is, for most people, a daunting experience, so here we’ve answered some of the most commonly asked questions.
Is parking available at Parkside Hospital?
Yes, parking is available free of charge at Parkside. Please allow time for our car park supervisors to help you to find a space.
What time is my operation?
The time of your operation depends on a number of factors, such as how many patients your consultant has to see, and therefore we are unable to give you an exact time for surgery. Whilst the time given in your admission letter is the time you need to arrive at the hospital and not the time of your surgery, it is important that you arrive on time as your consultant and anaesthetist will want to visit you and our nurses will need to prepare you in readiness for surgery.
Can I eat and drink before my operation?
You may need to refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to your operation, but this will be detailed in your admission letter along with any other instructions such as needing x-rays or blood tests before coming into hospital.
Do I have to remove my jewellery and piercings?
Yes, all body piercings and other jewellery should be removed before you arrive at the hospital. Plain wedding bands may be worn but will need to be covered with tape during surgery. Before your operation, you will also need to remove any nail varnish, nail extensions and cosmetics.
What are the visiting hours?
You can visit from 9.30 am to 10.00pm each day, but please check in at the Nurse’s Station before entering a patient’s room. If you are visiting a patient in our High Dependency Unit, please do check with the nurse in charge of the Unit first. Your children are welcome to visit you.
Are meals included in the price?
Yes, all patients’ food and drinks are included in the price you pay for treatment.
Do you cater for vegetarians?
We cater for all dietary requirements including vegetarian and kosher choices and special diets such as gluten-free.
Can I bring flowers?
Flowers are very welcome, but we do not allow them in our High Dependency Unit.
Can my partner bring my dog in to see me?
No sorry, we only allow assistance dogs into the Hospital.
Can I use my laptop?
Yes this is fine. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout Parkside Hospital.
Can I use my mobile phone?
Yes, as long as it does not disturb your treatment or that of other patients. All rooms have direct dial telephones for your use. Outgoing calls are chargeable.
How can my visitor/partner telephone me?
To call an individual patient room, please dial 020 8971 8000 and the select option 1, followed by option 4, then follow the instructions. This then bypasses our main Hospital switchboard.
Can I smoke in the hospital?
Patients and visitors are not permitted to smoke anywhere within the hospital building or grounds.
I am coming in for a day case, do I need to bring my nightclothes?
No, you will be provided with a Hospital gown for your time here. Please bring with you a pair of slippers and a dressing gown.
When can I go home?
This is dependent on your recovery but your consultant or nurse will advise you how long you will need to stay in hospital for. Overnight patients will be expected to vacate their room by 11am on the day of discharge.
If there is anything else you want to ask, please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 8971 8012