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Tummy Tuck & Mini Tummy Tuck

Weight loss, pregnancy and ageing are just some of the reasons that skin loses its elasticity and can result in loose, sagging skin on the tummy. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is an effective, cosmetic surgery procedure for removing this excess skin and fat to give you a firmer and flatter stomach.

Tummy tucks are most suitable for those who have achieved their target weight and are not an effective weight loss strategy. If you feel a tummy tuck could be the right choice for you, book a consultation with our experienced medical team to discuss your individual needs and receive expert advice.

Tummy Tuck Surgery – FAQs

What happens during a tummy tuck procedure?

Your surgeon will make an incision in the lower part of your stomach, usually beneath the bikini line. This will allow them to remove any excess skin or fat as well as tightening up the muscles to provide a firmer, flatter look. A full tummy tuck procedure will also require an incision around the belly button so it can be repositioned.

This procedure is performed under a general anaesthetic and you can expect to spend one or two nights in the hospital afterwards.

What can I expect from the recovery process?

Immediately after your tummy tuck procedure, expect some soreness and swelling. It is important to give yourself a couple of weeks to rest, heal and be sure not to exert yourself physically in any way that could damage your stitches or new stomach.

Our medical staff will prepare you for what to expect and provide medication to manage any discomfort. It will take a few weeks for your body to recover and for the results of your tummy tuck to be fully realised.

The hospital will also provide you with a special compression garment to wear for a specified time.

How much of a scar will there be?

There will be a scar at the site of the incision although the surgeon will make every effort to ensure it is below the bikini line and therefore not immediately visible when you are wearing underwear or swimwear.

In time and with the proper aftercare, this scar will fade and return to your usual skin tone.

Mini Tummy Tuck – FAQs

What is a mini tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck only involves the incision across the lower abdomen, in a similar position to one you would need for a caesarean. There is not incision around the belly button as it does not need to be moved. This enables your surgeon to tighten the abdominal muscles and trim away the skin from the lower part of your tummy only.

Should I opt for a mini tummy tuck?

You may be a suitable candidate for a mini tummy tuck as opposed to a full tummy tuck if your unwanted, excess skin is located in the lower half of your abdomen only i.e. below the belly button.

Good candidates for both the mini and full tummy tuck should be happy with their current weight and in good physical health.


This page is intended for information purposes only and should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you.

Tummy Tuck & Mini Tummy Tuck Consultants

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