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Breast Reduction (Mammoplasty)

There are a variety of reasons why women might choose to opt for a breast reduction procedure, also known as mammoplasty. If the size of your bust is making you unhappy, affecting your lifestyle and your self-esteem, then this could be a procedure which might benefit you. Larger busts can lead to a host of emotional and physical issues, including:

  • Back pain, neck pain and issues resulting from poor posture as a result of the weight of your breasts.
  • Lack of self-esteem due to your appearance and feeling out of proportion.
  • Distress from clothing not fitting properly around your bust.
  • Skin irritations and painful chafing from bra straps as a result of heavier breasts.

Breast reduction surgery can be a solution to these issues as it involves removing excess tissue to reshape your breasts and achieve the smaller bust you desire.

Is a breast reduction suitable for me?

Breast reduction surgery is, as with any cosmetic procedure, a big decision you’ll want to think about carefully. If you are experiencing physical discomfort or emotional distress due to the size of your breasts then you could be a suitable candidate for this procedure. Additionally, if you are experiencing medical problems as a result of your chest size, a breast reduction could be appropriate for you. It isn’t just women who can benefit from reduction surgery. Chest reductions are suitable for men with gynaecomastia, a condition typified by an excess of fatty tissue in the chest region.

Although breast reduction surgery changes the size of your breasts, it will not necessarily correct sagging or drooping breasts. If this is an issue you would like to correct then the breast uplift procedure might be more suitable for you as it provides pertness to breasts. It is possible to combine these procedures – your surgeon will discuss your requirements and guide you through your options.

How small will my breasts be after surgery?

This will be decided and agreed with your surgeon during the consultation procedure. Some women choose to reduce their breasts by just a little, others by a lot. It is dependent on your personal preference and your surgeon will provide advice as to what you can expect from the results.

What happens after breast reduction surgery?

We advise you to give yourself one or two weeks off work to rest and recuperate. To allow your skin to adapt to the new shape and your breasts a chance to heal, you must take care to avoid heavy lifting or physical activity that could put a strain on your body. You will also be asked to wear a specially designed bra for extra support during the healing process for a period of time specified by the medical team.

Expect some swelling and discomfort at first but severe pain is very rare and must be reported immediately to the hospital. You will be prescribed medication and given advice to ensure you are comfortable with the after-care of your new breasts. Once the swelling settles down in the first few weeks, you will be able to get a clearer picture of the size of your new breasts.

The incisions commonly used for breast reduction surgery run from the nipple to the crease below the breast. As they are on the underside, they will not be visible in low-cut tops, bikini tops or bras. Over the next twelve months, you can also expect these scars to fade down to your natural skin tone.

Breast Reduction (Mammoplasty) Consultants

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