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Facial Surgery

It’s the first thing people see when they meet us – so being self-conscious about your face can have huge ramifications. If you’re insecure about certain facial features (a big nose or receding chin, for example), then perhaps facial surgery is the answer. We specialise in a number of both surgical and non-surgical procedures to help you achieve the look you want.

Facelifts are not carried out on the entire face and so are commonly performed at the same time as other procedures, for instance, eyelid surgery. Facelifts are performed on the lower two-thirds of the face, which includes the jowls, cheeks and upper neck. The surgeon will tighten the muscles in the face while removing excess fat and skin. The remaining skin around the lower area of the face is then pulled to remove jowls and enhance jawline definition. This skin is then stitched to the original incision made in the hairline.

Although a facelift won’t stop the ageing process it can certainly help to rewind time, leaving you with a more younger-looking, radiant complexion.

Considering surgery

The first step in considering facial plastic surgery is a meeting with the surgeon to discuss goals, alternatives, and potential risks and benefits of facial surgery. Once you and the surgeon have decided on a course of treatment, your surgery is scheduled. Surgery may be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis, depending on your situation.

Please follow the links on the left for details on the treatments we provide.

Facial Surgery Consultants

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