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Haemorrhoid Treatment

Commonly referred to as piles, haemorrhoids are the soft lumps of flesh inside your anus (or back passage). They tend not to cause any pain or discomfort, but can sometimes feel itchy or bleed when you pass a stool. If they become enlarged, they pass through the anus and you may feel a lump – this is known as a prolapsed pile (see Figure 1). Haemorrhoids can be hereditary or can appear gradually over time, and are most often connected with pregnancy or constipation.

they pass through your anus and you may feel a lump – this is known as a prolapsed pile (see Figure 1). Haemorrhoids can be hereditary or can appear gradually over time, and are most often connected with pregnancy or constipation.

What are the benefits of surgery?
A surgical procedure – or haemorrhoidectomy – will remove the enlarged haemorrhoids, meaning that you should no longer suffer from the symptoms that they cause.

How will injecting or banding the haemorrhoids help?
These procedures are designed to shrink the haemorrhoid, meaning that you will no longer experience the symptoms that they cause.

What are the alternatives to surgery?
There are a number of basic measures that can be taken to treat haemorrhoids, such as increasing the amount of fibre you consume and drinking more water. However, if these do not resolve the problem then visiting one of our expert consultants can offer a more effective solution. This includes local treatments such as ‘banding’ or ‘injecting’ the haemorrhoids, as well as surgery.

What will happen during the operation?
You will be put under general anaesthetic for the operation, which usually takes 20 minutes. The haemorrhoids will be removed by your surgeon, using either a staple technique or by cutting them away.

For the injection or banding of haemorrhoids, using either a flexible or rigid telescope, your surgeon will carefully examine your anal canal and lower bowel.

Risks and complications
Any risks or complications will be discussed in advance of your treatment with your expert consultant.

In most cases, you will be able to go back home on the day of the procedure – particularly if your treatment was carried out using a staple technique, as this does not leave an open wound. If you do have a wound, it will be several weeks before this heals completely.

In order to avoid constipation you must drink plenty of fluids and ensure that your diet contains plenty of fibre. Regular exercise can also help with recovery, but it’s advisable to speak to your consultant before you start. While you should find that symptoms disappear completely, be aware that haemorrhoids can reappear.

When non-surgical treatments are ineffective at treating the common issue of haemorrhoids, most professionals will recommend surgery.


EIDO Healthcare Limited – The operation and treatment information on this website is produced using information from EIDO Healthcare Ltd and is licensed by Aspen Healthcare.

The information should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you.

Haemorrhoid Treatment Consultants

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