

Our faces are our most predominant feature and so play a large part in how confident we feel in our appearance. However, as we age our skin begins to sag and one area where this is most notable is on our faces and necks. A facelift helps to achieve a smoother and firmer appearance by tightening any loose skin.

Facelifts are not carried out on the entire face and so are commonly performed at the same time as other procedures, for instance eyelid surgery. Facelifts are performed on the lower two thirds of the face, which includes the jowls, cheeks and upper neck. The surgeon will tighten the muscles in the face while removing excess fat and skin. The remaining skin around the lower area of the face is then pulled to remove jowls and enhance jawline definition. This skin is then stitched to the original incision made in the hairline.

Although a facelift won’t stop the aging process it can certainly help to rewind time, leaving you with a more younger-looking, radiant complexion.

Facelift FAQs

Will I need to stay in hospital?

Most patients will stay in hospital for 1-2 nights following their surgery. The number of nights will depend on the time of day your facelift is carried out.

Will there be scarring?

Surgeons will make incisions around the ears and along the hairline, so all scars will be concealed by your hair.

Will I have bruising?

Your face may be a little bruised and swollen after your surgery. However, after 1-2 days you will be able to cover it up with a little make up.

When will the stitches be removed?

Most patients are able to have their stitches removed 7-10 days after their procedure.

When can I return to work?

Patients are always advised to rest for a few days after receiving general anaesthetic. You should feel okay to return to work one week after the operation, though you may feel more comfortable waiting until your stitches have been removed.

Is there an age limit for this type of surgery?

This is completely dependent on the individual. Ideally, patients wanting facelift surgery need to have some elasticity left in their skin, even if it is sagging, and a good bone structure can also help. The majority of patients are aged between 40 and 60, though there are many older, healthier patients that undergo facelifts. A discussion with your consultant will allow you to determine whether this type of surgery is right for you.


This page is intended for information purposes only and should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you.

Facelift Consultants