
Cheek and Chin Implants

Getting the profile you want

Being unhappy with your facial profile can often lead to a lack of self-confidence, but unlike other aspects of your body, it is almost impossible to hide facial imperfections. If you are unhappy with your cheeks or chin, then there are surgical procedures to help.

Cheek implants

Cheek augmentation, Cosmetic Cheek Enlargement, Cheek Implant Surgery is a plastic surgery operation performed to correct flat, unattractive cheeks using implants, to achieve a balanced facial shape which is more oval or heart-shaped and give a natural aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Chin implants

A chin implant can help to redefine a receding chin, giving you the profile you want. It can enhance the jawline and create a very clean, powerful and youthful look. If you were born with flatter cheeks or a receding chin, or if your face has been negatively affected by natural ageing and has become sunken and hollow, or even if you have lost a lot of weight and your face has changed shape because of this, then implants can help to re-contour.

Benefits of having cheek and chin implants

  • Increased overall self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Enhance your appearance producing features that are better proportioned and more balanced
  • Correcting weak and unbalanced features
  • Improve your neckline and make a large nose appear smaller
  • Strengthen your jawline and face shape



Cheek and Chin Implants Consultants