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Consultant Neurologists practising at Parkside Hospital can assess, diagnose and treat conditions relating to the nervous system through the following range of tests.


Audiovestibular(Hearing and Balance)Tests

Auditory tests assess your hearing and the integrity of the ear and can diagnose conditions such as dizziness and vertigo. Audiovestibular services at the Hospital are provided in partnership with Wimbledon NeuroCare.

EMG Studies

Electromyography can measure the levels of electrical activity in your muscles. An electrode is carefully inserted through the skin to record your muscle activity.

MRI / EEG Scanning

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Electro Encephalography (EEG) can be used to investigate epilepsy which affects 1 in 100 people in the UK.  Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain and can causes blackouts and / or seizures.

Headache Clinic

80% of people are affected by tension headaches and as many as 15% of the UK’s population suffers from migraines on a regular basis.  Our specialist Headache clinic supports sufferers of headaches and migraines which are the most common neurological disorders. To find out more about our Headache clinic please click here.

Neuro Physiotherapy

The brain, spinal cord and central nervous system can all be affected by neurological conditions. The specialist Neurophysiotherapy service at the Hospital is designed to make your day-to-day life and mobility easier. To find out more about our Neurophysiotherapy service, please click here.

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease is a neurological condition that is usually diagnosed in those over the age of 55. There is also no definitive test for Parkinson’s Disease and a diagnosis is typically made based on the common symptoms of slower movements, tremors in the hands and arms and muscle rigidity. Medications and occupational therapies are then tailored to each individual case.


Around 80% of strokes are classified as ‘ischaemic’ which means that a blood clot has stopped the supply of blood to the brain. ‘Haemorrhagic’ strokes are caused by the burst of a weakened blood vessel that was supplying the flow. Consultant Neurologists can diagnose a stroke and guide you through your rehabilitation.

Trigeminal Neuralgia

If you experience sudden pain to the nerves in your face, you may have trigeminal neuralgia. It may feel like a stabbing pain or electric shock. Some of the treatments available for this type of neuralgia include medication and surgery.

Neurology Consultants

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