

This page will provide you with information about TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate). For further details, please speak to your consultant.

What can cause prostate problems?

If the prostate gland grows it can lead to problems in the region (see Figure 1). Whilst it is normal for the prostate gland to grow with age, if it tightens around the urethra it can cause the flow of urine from the bladder to be interrupted.

Figure 1

The position of the prostate gland

Copyright © 2015 EIDO Healthcare Limited

What are the benefits of surgery?

Surgery can help to improve the flow of urine and help with bladder emptying. It can also reduce the need to pass urine during the night.

What are the alternatives to surgery?

In the majority of cases, an operation is not necessary. Some medications are available that treat the issue – however, medications rarely provide a permanent solution.

What will happen during the operation?

The patient will be placed under general or spinal anaesthetic and the operation takes less than 60 minutes. The surgeon will place a resectoscope (a small operating telescope) into the urethra. Using the resectoscope the surgeon will remove enough prostate tissue to allow for the free-flow of urine.

Risks and complications

Any risks or complications will be discussed in advance of your treatment with your expert consultant.


Most patients will be allowed to return home within 3-4 days after the operation, and will be able to return to work after 4-6 weeks.

Most patients also experience stinging the first few times they pass urine, but normal exercise can help with the recovery process. Advice should always be sought from your consultant before beginning exercise.

Most patients make a good recovery and experience significant improvements in their symptoms. The prostate gland can, however, grow larger again in time.


It is quite common for men to experience prostate problems. If medication doesn’t help or symptoms are severe, prostate surgery may be advised.



EIDO Healthcare Limited – The operation and treatment information on this page is produced using information from EIDO Healthcare Ltd and is licensed by Aspen Healthcare.

The information provided here should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you.

TURP Consultants