
Our Classes


There is more to Pilates than developing “strong abs” or “core strength”.

Pilates is an exercise system that focuses on stretching and strengthening the whole body to improve balance, muscle strength, flexibility and posture.

We run classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced Pilates clients.

Each Pilates course runs for 6 consecutive weeks. Clients must book in for an assessment with a Pilates trained physiotherapist to ensure appropriateness for the class and prevent injury prior to attending any Pilates class. The assessment price is £52.

Class Times:

Beginners/Intermediate: Wednesday 18:45-19:45 (Jessica Harland)

Beginners/Intermediate: Thursdays 18:45-19:45 (Lynne Sayer)

Advanced: Saturdays 10.00 – 11.00 am (Charlotte Cooley)

We also offer one-to-one Pilates sessions for £78 per hour or two-to-one for £104 per hour. All our Pilates instructors are APPI trained and members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Bone Health Pilates

Physiotherapist led classes using Pilates based exercises and incorporating bone strengthening techniques to improve strength in the hips, spine and wrists and training balance and posture to reduce the risk of potentially damaging falls while also giving the whole body a fantastic workout. Clients will also be provided with advice about other ways to maintain and improve bone health. Clients must book in for an assessment with a Pilates trained physiotherapist to ensure appropriateness for the class and prevent injury.

Class Times:

Wednesday 14.30 – 15.30 (Abby Armstrong)

Return to Fitness

This class is aimed at clients who wish to improve their fitness, balance, strength and functional levels following surgery or after a period of immobility.

The class exercises are tailored to each individual client in order to meet their goals.

Clients must book in for an assessment with a physiotherapist to ensure their appropriateness for the class and prevent injury.

Class Times:

Friday 14:30 – 15:30 (Jessica Harland)

ACL Stage 1 Rehabilitation Class

This class is aimed at patients who meet necessary criteria having undergone ACL reconstruction surgery.

The class is targeted to improve muscle control and strength, increase fitness levels and confidence in exercising and addressing balance and proprioception deficits.

Clients will need to be fully screened by their referring physiotherapist.

Class times:

Monday 8.00 – 9.00 (Deborah Earl)

Friday 8.00 – 9.00 (Deborah Earl)

Please call 020 8971 8000 ext 8640 for further information.